SPRING BAMBOO目录spring boot和spring的区别springboot是什么框架spring blossom是什么意思Spring bamboo refers to the shoots of bamboo plants that emerge during the...
SPRING BAMBOO目录 Spring bamboo refers to the shoots of bamboo plants that emerge during the spring season. These shoots are tender and have a light green color, making them a popular ingredient in various cuisines, especially in Asian countries.\n\nSpring bamboo shoots are known for their crisp texture and mild, slightly sweet flavor. They are often used in stir-fries, soups, salads, and pickles. They can be a versatile ingredient and can be paired with various vegetables, meats, and sauces to create delicious dishes.\n\nIn addition to their culinary uses, spring bamboo shoots also have health benefits. They are low in calories and high in dietary fiber, making them a great addition to a balanced diet. They also contain various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, potassium, and manganese.\n\nTo prepare spring bamboo shoots, they need to be peeled and boiled before use to remove any bitterness. Once cooked, they can be sliced, diced, or used whole, depending on the recipe.\n\nOverall, spring bamboo shoots are a seasonal delicacy that adds a unique flavor and texture to dishes. They are a popular ingredient in Asian cuisine and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways during the spring season."spring boot和spring的区别
Spring MVC基于 Spring 的一个 MVC 框架
Spring Boot基于 Spring4 的条件注册的一套快速开发整合包
Spring 最初利用“工厂模式”( DI )和“代理模式”( AOP )解耦应用组件。
大家觉得挺好用,于是按照这种模式搞了一个 MVC 框架(一些用 Spring 解耦的组件),用开发 web 应用( SpringMVC )。
然后有发现每次开发都要搞很多依赖,写很多样板代码很麻烦,于是搞了一些懒人整合包( starter ),这套就是 Spring Boot 。
spring 框架有超多的延伸产品例如 boot security jpa etc... 但它的基础就是 spring 的 ioc 和 aop ioc 提供了依赖注入的容器 aop 解决了面向横切面的编程 然后在此两者的基础上实现了其他延伸产品的高级功能 Spring MVC 呢是基于 Servlet 的一个 MVC 框架 主要解决 WEB 开发的问题 因为 Spring 的配置太复杂了 各种 XML JavaConfig hin 麻烦 于是懒人改变世界推出了 Spring boot 约定优于配置 简化了 spring 的配置流程 简单谈下自己的理解 也没有学很久 若有错误请指正
1. Spring Boot是什么,解决哪些问题 1) Spring Boot使编码变简单 2) Spring Boot使配置变简单 3) Spring Boot使部署变简单 4) Spring Boot使监控变简单 5) Spring Boot的不足 2. Spring Boot在平台中的定位,相关技术如何融合 1) SpringBoot与S...
spring blossom是什么意思
spring blossom
1. It's lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom is out.
2. No autumn fruit without spring blossom.
3. With so much spring in the garden , how can it be contained ? A spray of red apricot blossom has already reached over the wall.
满园春色关不住, 一枝红杏出墙来.